In this comprehensive guide How many blocks in a mile, The number of blocks per mile varies between cities based on typical block length. While blocks serve as useful shorthand for navigation, calculating blocks per mile requires knowing average block dimensions.
When giving or receiving walking directions in a city, most people find it easier to think in terms of blocks rather than miles. Saying “Walk five blocks north and turn left” comes more naturally than estimating exact mileages along an urban route. The concept of city blocks serves as a convenient shorthand for measuring moderately short distances. But how many blocks actually make up a mile? The answer depends on the standard length of blocks within a particular city. This article looks at how blocks are defined, typical block lengths in major U.S. cities, factors influencing blocks per mile, techniques for calculating distances, common rule of thumb approximations, and some interesting examples of unusually sized blocks around the world.
What is a City Block?
A city block, or simply a block, refers to the area bounded by streets on each of its four sides. Blocks form the interlocking grid patterns that make up many city street networks. The four bounding streets are known as the North, South, East, and West sides of the block. Blocks typically take on a rectangular shape, but can also be square, angled, or irregularly shaped. Most American cities have Standard block lengths ranging from 100 to 1000 feet per side. Block dimensions often vary widely between different neighborhoods in the same city based on geography, street widths, and urban planning history. Read for more How Many Blocks Are There in a Mile.
Typical Block Lengths in Major US Cities
Certain standard block length dimensions occur repeatedly across many major US cities based on historical development patterns:
- New York City – The most common Manhattan block is 264 feet long and 940 feet wide. With 5,280 feet in a mile, this works out to 20 blocks per mile.
- Chicago – Chicago’s typical block is about 330 feet by 660 feet, leading to around 16 blocks in a mile.
- Los Angeles – LA is known for extensive, sprawling blocks spanning 700 to 800 feet in length. This leads to 8-10 blocks per mile.
- Philadelphia – Original Philadelphia blocks are 450 feet long by 400 feet wide, resulting in approximately 12 blocks per mile.
- Seattle – At 240 feet by 320 feet, Seattle’s ordinary blocks work out to around 22 blocks per mile.
Geography, city planning regulations, and street width standards all contribute to typical block lengths and the resulting blocks contained in a mile.
Other Standard Block Lengths
Beyond the common block sizes seen in many major cities, some other standard block dimensions are widely used:
- The standard Manhattan block measures 800 feet long by 250 feet wide along Avenues, with 2.5 blocks per mile.
- Portland, Oregon has compact 200-foot square blocks, giving a mile 26 small blocks.
- The US Public Land Survey divided the land into one-mile square blocks, resulting in eight blocks per mile.
What Impacts the Number of Blocks per Mile?
Several key factors influence the number of blocks per mile in different cities:
- Street grid layout – Grid-patterned cities allow more blocks to fit in a mile compared to twisting, irregular streets.
- Geography – Rivers, hills, and shorelines disrupt grid patterns, limiting blocks per mile.
- Urban planning – Zoning laws dictate street widths and length, impacting overall block dimensions.
- Age of city – Older cities developed informally have smaller blocks vs newer planned cities with wider streets.
For instance, East Coast cities like Boston contain more varied blocks per mile than Western cities with larger blocks like Phoenix. Read more about Front Squat Machines.

Measuring Distances by Blocks
Using blocks provides a handy way for city residents to estimate distances along their local streets. Some benefits include:
- It forms a landmark-based system using recognized routes and turns rather than exact mileage.
- Conceptualizing trips by counting blocks is often simpler than converting miles.
- With experience, residents learn their city’s typical block length.
However, blocks have limitations in precision over long distances and converting to exact miles. The variation in block sizes means mileage isn’t always accurate. Translating “X blocks” requires knowing a city’s average block dimensions.
Calculating the Number of Blocks in a Given Distance
For a known trip distance, you can calculate the equivalent blocks by:
Total distance in miles / Average block length in feet
For example, with a 250-foot average block:
- 2 miles / 250 feet/block = 10,560 feet / 250 feet = 42 blocks
- 1.5 miles / 250 feet/block = 7,920 feet / 250 feet = 32 blocks
Many helpful online calculators convert miles to blocks by entering the distance and average block size.
Standard Rule of Thumb Approximations
While actual blocks per mile vary, some common rule-of-thumb estimates are:
- In major Northeast and Midwest cities – 20 blocks per mile
- In Western and Sunbelt cities – 10-12 blocks per mile
- Salt Lake City blocks – 8 blocks per mile
These approximations provide reasonable baseline figures when estimating or converting between city blocks and miles.
Unusual Block Lengths Around the World
Though most American blocks fall within 200 to 1000 feet per side, some other global cities feature unusually sized blocks:
- Barcelona – Superblocks exceed 1000 feet per side.
- Venice – Tiny, irregular blocks under 500 feet long.
- New York Central Park – Landscape block segments over 1/10 mile long.
- Canberra, Australia – Triangle-shaped blocks in parts of the city.
So unique geography and urban plans lead to atypical block patterns in cities abroad.
Final Words
In summary, the number of blocks contained within a mile of distance depends on the standard size of blocks in a particular city, which varies based on geography, history, street widths, and urban planning. While blocks serve as convenient shorthand for conceptualizing shorter urban trips, longer distances are better measured in precise miles rather than estimated blocks. Most American city blocks fall between 200 to 1000 feet per side, leading to anywhere from 8 blocks up to 26 blocks per mile. Standard approximations provide reasonable rules of thumb for quick calculations. Online tools can also convert mile distances to blocks by entering location-specific average block lengths. Whether navigating the smaller blocks of New York or the longer blocks of Los Angeles, thinking in terms of blocks can provide a useful metric for urban travel.